MS Gulf Coast Buddy Sports, Inc.
(a 501(c)(3) public charity)

Buddy Ball Baseball
Buddy Ball Baseball is played during March, April, and May on Wednesday evenings at the Gulfport Sportsplex, across from the waterpark in Gulfport, MS.
Plastic bats and soft foam balls are used to play this non-competitive recreational sport. There is no cost to play. Complete and submit an online registration form located on this website during January and February
Jerseys and volunteer t-shirts are provided.
Volunteers are needed. Sign up here on the website.
2025 MS Gulf Coast Buddy Sports Buddy Ball Baseball season.
The cut-off date for registration will be Monday February 10, 2025.
No registrations will be taken for baseball after this date.
Season schedule:
March 12 For players ages 13 and over only (this will be the 7:00 game teams)
Parents and players: Team meetings, practice, and jersey handout
Volunteers: Meet your team, help with practice, and t-shirt handout
March 18 For community home and other players (this will be the 5:00 game teams)
Representative meeting and jersey pickup
March 19 For players ages 5 to 12 only (this will be the 6:00 game teams)
Parents and players: Team meetings, practice and jersey handout
Volunteers: Meet your team, help with practice, and t-shirt handout
March 26 Play games at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00
Aprill 2 Play games at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00
April 9 Play games at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00
April 16 No games (spring break for most schools)
April 23 Play games at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00
April 30 Play last games at 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00 (trophies/medals, food, Picturazzi)
May 7 Make-up game (only if the April 30 game is rained out)
** Depending upon the number of registered players we have, the team age range groupings may be modified to equally balance the number of players per team.
New participation rules:
1. A parent/guardian of the 5- to 9-year-old players must be the player’s buddy. If the parent/guardian cannot be the player’s buddy, then the parent/guardian is responsible for providing a buddy for their child. The child will not be allowed to play without the parent/guardian or the parent/guardian assigned buddy being on the field with the child. MGCBS will not be providing volunteer buddies for the 5- to 9-year-olds. It must be the parent/guardian or someone else the parent assigns to play with the child.
2. Inappropriate behaviors, including aggression like spitting, hitting, slapping, pushing, tearing up any part of the fields or dugouts, throwing items other than a ball, etc. will not be tolerated, and parents will be asked to remove their child from the field. In addition, players that lay on the field and are difficult to get up and out of the way of others will need to be removed from the field.
3. Everyone on the baseball field must wear shoes at all times. This is a health concern and a liability issue for our organization and the City of Gulfport.
Buddy Ball Teams Through The Years